Though having computer access has become a given in many parts of the world, there are countless people in rural and developing communities who have had little to no access to any type of digital technology.
In fact, Uganda is ranked 118th for Information and Communications Technology use worldwide, with only 21% of the population being internet users.
Despite these challenges, the country’s technology and communications sector is growing rapidly. Mobile broadband and Internet infrastructure, along with other telecommunications services, grew by more than 30% in last few years and accounted for 3.3 percent of gross domestic product.
Unfortunately, rural Ugandan women continue to be deprived of such economic opportunities owing to a severe lack of education, the prevalence of child marriage, young pregnancies, domestic violence, and a high degree of gender inequality that prevents girls and women from accessing the technical training they need to succeed in these emergent economic sectors.
OneMama wants to change this by providing free and comprehensive computer and business training to women and girls in rural Uganda!
Computer and tech literacy are skills that allow people to become engaged in the Global community and to learn, share, and create together, which is especially important for women and youths. With our new Economic Development Program and Technology and Computer Lab, OneMama will provide the invaluable modern tools of knowledge-sharing and communication to the people of our village, providing them with resources to create a better future for themselves and their families!
By helping OneMama’s new program, you enable rural Ugandan women to gain business training and computer literacy skills that empower them to secure safe and sustainable employment. By offering girls and women greater access to mobile and information technologies, you are creating gateways that not only improve the health and economic outlooks of these girls and women, but also help to eliminate harmful gender disparities.